Writing Down the Bones: I love the use of the term "composting" in this week's first reading. Last quarter I took an ecopsychology course that talked a lot about composting within the psyche and I always really loved that analogy. Now to hear it applied to writing - I love it even more. I think it's important to remember that throughout our lives, thoughts, feelings, and the things we do - there is a lot of good that can grow out of the bad or "ugly" shit that happens - but only if we allow it to fully process.
Goldberg killing it again with the importance of our lives. Her emphasis on the memorials for Holocaust etc. is a really beautiful example of how we can appreciate each other. Acknowledge the importance of all of our detail on this earth. Her advice on going further in the next reading adds to this importance of life in my opinion. Yes - our lives are important - but if we push ourselves we can produce something so much more! I liked that we had to read these one after the other even though they were not in the book that way.
Why do I write? Hmmmm - because I need to. Because most of the time my heart and soul flow better through my fingers and onto paper than out my mouth. Because sometimes I can solve world problems better through a written practice. It brings me to a place where I can really process things.
What she says about using a cigarette hanging out her mouth to help her write is interesting. I never considered the use of props before, however the cigarette would be too tempting for someone like me who quite cold turkey a year and 3/4 ago... not that I've been counting...
Overall - and I know I have said this before - I truly enjoy Natalie Goldberg's writing. I definitely plan to read this book in it's entirety eventually, and am grateful we were assigned to it for this course.
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