Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Transformation Project Proposal: The Sacred Space

There is a place that I love to go and meditate, find my center, and overall "get my shit together" when I feel frazzled or lost. That place is called The Sacred Space, and is located in Summerland. Here there is a metaphysical shop in the front with healing tools and books. If you go into the back, there is a large maze like space filled with greenery, ponds, bridges, beds, and couches. Large crystals and statues of Buddha and other various figures. It is an extremely relaxing and meditative space, they are always serving free tea, and even offer their space for one to come and take a nap. In each of these couch/bed spaces there is always a table with a journal (supplied by the shop) for people to come and write in. I would like to take some quotes/clips form these journals (including my own), and accompany them by photography of the place for my project. In addition to some of my before, during, and after journal entries from my personal journal. I was also considering maybe putting a journal I provided there for a few weeks, but I'm not sure yet which one would be better. With that, an added analysis of how this space effects people's - and my - state of mind while we are in it. I truly believe that this place is sacred and provides a service for people like no one else, so this project idea means a lot to me. Below is a photo I have taken on one of my past visits.


  1. I've heard about this place before, but never believed it existed! I really like the idea of you using your before/after journal entries to accompany by photos. What would be really interesting is if you took your journal entries from times when you weren't able to write in your Sacred Space...and compare them to the journal entries you write when you are there. I'm sure your frame of mind is totally different.
    Props on this cool project yo!

  2. Dude! This place sounds sick and a perfect source of inspiration. I like the idea of maybe spending a few hours there and reflecting in real time. Also the fact that it means so much to you is a big part of it.

  3. I really like this idea. I didn't know about this place but it sounds really cool. You have probably already thought of this, but it would be really awesome to see not just photos of the place itself, but creative photos of journal entries as well.

  4. I really like these ideas! I like your idea of leaving a journal there and letting other people write in it. I have been to the courtyard area, but never inside or the backyard. Seems extremely relaxing. Your analysis of how this place affects peoples state of mind and what they're willing to write in that journal will bring this project to a full circle. Good ideas Alderson!

  5. That shop sounds relaxing! It's good to have a spot to center yourself at, and I like how they have a journal that everyone can share anonymously. It'd be cool to see the things people write! Good idea :)

  6. I've got to visit this place. Sounds dope! As well as you ideas! I love the idea of accompany photos with your journals entries. Especially of such a great peaceful place.

  7. I love your idea of tieing photography into this journal project. I'm a big fan of visuals! I love the photo you added in here! :)

  8. thats awesome and sounds very peaceful. i really like the pictures with the writing idea! i also like that this is a place you feel safe and in a way that represents your journal. great job!

  9. I like this idea a lot! Thank you for sharing that space with us! I love leaving a journal there but also maybe set a day written on the journal were you and any one who wrote in it can join in burning or tossing it in the ocean. Maybe if you took small single person journals and put them around the area. You could write one word and see what that makes everyone write about also. I can wait to see what you bring in! Really excited about these possibilities!

  10. Aunt Alderson,

    Do it! Excellent idea. Analyzing how other people journal, what they include, etc., the conventions (seriously—conventions are everywhere) and THEN comparing it with your own is a really neat idea. Tieing all of that back to the healing powers of the Sacred Place is badass. (Do you smell an “Ethnography of the Sacred Place” article in the making?)

    One area that I’d like you to consider pumping the breaks on is with respect to photographing/publicizing other people’s entries there? Do you think that’s tapering with confidentiality? Or even just good juju/karma? I don’t know the answers to those things (though I think taking pictures-meets-confidentiality could present a problem… although, they ARE probably anonymous…).

    One way around all of that is to take pictures for YOURSELF, and then quote/paraphrase/describe the entries. That’s a safe bet on the confidentiality level and a karmic level.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Natalie,

    I'm stoked you shared where you like to mediate at the Sacred Place, it sounds like a good way to like you mentioned 'get centered'. I usually need to be in a particular place to write, it has to feel right. My usually involves the some beach or the Santa Barbara Mission.

    Anyway, I think your project shows a lot of aspect of what speaks to you individually and that is awesome!

    Do you think you can take your own pictures of this place? Or you could even sketch some images from the Sacred Place? Just some food for thought

