Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Second Reaction: The Happiness Project

Pay Attention - Mindfulness: This is a reading I can strongly relate to at this time in my life. In addition to this course, I am taking a mindfulness class (as I'm sure some of you are as well) and the meditation is something that has been difficult for me. With that said, it didn't surprise me that she didn't want to go down the road of meditation. Although, it occurred to me that she only thinks she didn't choose the road of meditation, because to me when she is talking about pondering koans, she is meditating. It may not be the picture in her mind of what meditation means, but sounds like she meditated on those quotes (or koans) quite a bit to me!

When she starts talking about “True Rules”, I start to feel as though she is ranting. Sometimes I think her writing is pleasant and sometimes I kind of get this, “Ahh! Where is this going?!” feeling. However I do relate to the changing of the “I’m in a hurry” thought. This is something that took a lot of time and practice for me. I am someone that truly dislikes being in a hurry, to the point of physical reactions in my body. I begin to over-heat and sweat, and my mind starts firing at a million miles a minute about all the uncomfortable things that may happen due to my lateness. So changing that thought and behavior became very important to me. Now I am proud to say I am much better, I wake up earlier, feel better and am where I need to be often early. This practice helps me to maintain a calm mind and body. In addition, I enjoyed her idea of post it’s around the house to help cultivate certain states of mind. This is something I may have to try some day.
Overall, she makes a lot of good points, and creative ways to help maintain a happy mind and life. What she has to say is interesting, whether I enjoy the way it is written or not!


  1. Natalie, I totally agree. This section does correspond well even with our Consciousness class and I feel like what the author is saying translates into writing as well. As far at keeping an open mind and seeking more than just what is going on in your head and learning to to channel yourself into the present moment. That was the part that resonated with me on top of how we can sometimes run on auto pilot.

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